Friday, August 22, 2008

Hinduism -Facts

Indian Philosophy is way of living.It does not contain mere abstract principles,nor does it have dogma.
It is characterised by the following facts.The details provided here below have the sanction of The Vedas, the holy book of Hindus.
1.Religion is individualistic.Indian Philosophy is a away of living.It does not contain mere abstract principles,nor does it have dogma.Allows Freedom of Choice.
2.No community worshipping is sanctioned.
3.Unbelievers are not doomed to hell
4.Every one of its premises may be questioned
5.You need not believe in God to achieve salvation.
6.Admits Freewill as well as Determinism.
7.There is no Heaven or hell.
8.None can escape the consequences of their actions.
9.God can not interfere in your day to day affairs.
10.Concept of Time is non-linear.It is cyclic.
11.There is no separate entity in charge of Evil.
12.There is nothing called Good or Evil.13.
You can lead a normal life amidst the process of realising Godhood.
14.Family as the fundamental unit.
15.Duty of parents,children.
16.Duty of husband/Wife.
17.Social responsibility.
18.Accountability to other living Beings.
19.Live in Harmony with Nature.
20.Performance of Action.
21.Practice of Sex.
I shall be glad to contribute on the above.I also welcome queries.


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