Sunday, August 31, 2008

TIME- A Perspective

TIME- A Perspective

It is often observed that Hinduism suffers from too many Gods. It has been said in a lighter vain that with so many Gods being worshipped, one ultimately does not get help from any God, because each God is under the impression that the other would help, thus ultimately, no God helps.

Valid arguement.To understand the concept of God one has to understand the fundamentals of Indian Philosophy.

Indian Philosophy recognizes the limitations of human mind and abilities. It knows that one is restricted by space and time, which does not afford him the luxury of understanding things as they are. Any perception or understanding is conditioned by the twin spectacles of Space and Time (Immanuel Kant in Critique of Pure Reason.)To understand things as they are is beyond human ability. Let us say that we want to know whether there are any particles that travel at a higher velocity than light. (It has been proved theoretically that they exist).If we want to prove them by direct experience rather than inference, we need to be in motion in tune with the particle traveling faster than the velocity of light (Einstein circumvented this problem by theorizing that if an object were to travel at a higher velocity than that of light, it would no longer remain matter. (Theory of Relativity.)

But this not the correct answer. Imagine, we travel at a higher velocity than the velocity of light, not withstanding the fact that we may no longer remain as matter, what happens?
We may be able to observe the particle traveling at a higher velocity than light. But, in the process of observing this phenomenon, we no longer remain in our normal original state. That is to say we have changed our plane of existence to that of the object traveling at a higher velocity.
This means to understand, in the realms of Higher Physics, if one needs to observe things of a different coordinates, one needs to move to the same level of existence.
That is to say our existence coordinates or parameters vary. This leads to different level of Time as this involves motion at a higher velocity than the one we are in. This admits the differentiation of time, determined by two factors-the point from which one observes and the point at which the observable exists. In short to understand higher velocities one needs to be at the same velocity to observe in real time.
Again time zones differ. Let us leave the explanation or justification for the change in Time zones. The fact is, one in a particular Time zone can only visualize or imagine the reality of the other time zone. Nothing more. From the individual stand point the time zone in which he is placed is the Reality and the other time zones are not experienced by him directly at the given point of Time. We go with the statement of others that other time zones exist because people who live in the other zones vouch for it. But we do not perceive it by ourselves.

From the explanation of Big Bang theory, we know the universe was formed at the time of Big Bang and started moving forward or started evolving. What of the moment just before Big Bang? Stephen Hawkins states that it is irrelevant as it has no bearing on our Time frame. (Brief History of Time) Is it logical to say that when we can not comprehend or explain concept, the concept is irrelevant? What if it has a frame of reference of time than the one understood by us?

We can see clearly that we link Time with Motion. Displacement is observed due to change in Time Frame. Time is understood by displacement. It means that we perceive Time because of a displacement of object, be it the universe or the hands of a clock. This Circular Reasoning is a logical fallacy. (As we say commonly. egg came from the Hen and Hen came from the egg. We can not arrive at a conclusion).
To quote another famous example; if we travel in a train traveling at a particular speed and observe a train moving at the same speed in the same direction, you will observe that you are stationary as the other train. But you will have covered some distance. In this case motion seems to be at rest while space has been observed. By this example we can say space may exist independently of Time.
But when we follow the concept of Big bang, time is intricately connected with Space and in fact is concomitant with Time.

Another example from Xeno’s Paradoxes:
1. Let us keep the distance from Bangalore to Chennai at 300 miles (for calculation purposes.)
If we travel at the rate of 300 miles per hour, we will reach Chennai in an hour; at 600 miles per hour, 30 minutes; at 1200 miles per hour in 15 minutes; at 2400 miles per hour, in 7.5 minutes; at 3600 miles per hour, in 3.75 minutes, at 7200 miles, in 1.8 minutes; at 14400 miles, in .9 minutes. At this rate, we would have reached Chennai before we left Bangalore!

2. Let an object X travel between A and B.X has to cover half the distance of AB before reaching B, we may call this as C;
X before reaching C, should cover half the distance of AC, say D; to reach D, X has to cover half the distance of AD, say E.
We know that Space is infinitely divisible. That means X will be traveling infinitely, that is motion is impossible!

When we speak of Pole star being 400 light years away, we can only say that it existed 400 years ago, because the light left Pole star 400 years ago! We can not say it is there now because we see in the sky today.

The long and short of it is that defining Time is very difficult and is in fact impossible.

Latest findings on Black hole suggest that if you go through a black hole, time runs backwards. If by chance, we were to be in Black hole, will we perceive our present universe as flowing forwards in Time?

The reason for this situation is the assumption that Time is Linear. Time flows in one direction that is forward.
What if Time is Cyclic? That is, it flows around and depending on where you are, Time moves both forwards and backwards .Time is a stream; so is Space. Per se they are Absolute. They are Relative to the observer. To put it in simpler words ,things exist in Space and Time at all times irrespective of your positioning and what we say to day has happened ,is right now happening at another level for an observer positioned to observe it. For them, our Universe is Past. Similarly for another observer, what we see as future, may be Present.

Hinduism advocates Cyclic Theory of Time.

TIME-Calculation by Hindu Philosophy.

(3.2 seconds- 1 Kaashtai.
30 Kaashtais or 1.6 minutes or 96 seconds -1 Kalai
30 kalais or 48 minutes - 1Muhurtham
30 Muhurthams or 1440minutes one day.24 hrs of western time)

15 Days -one Paksha
2 Pakshas - one Month
6 Months -one Ayanam
2 Ayanams -one Year )

There are Four AEONS (yugas).-In terms of Man-Years.

I. Kali Yugam 4, 32,000 years.
II. Dwapara Yugam 8, 64,000years. (Kali x 2)
III. Tretha Yugam 12, 96,000 years. (Kali x 3)
IV. Krutha Yugam 17, 28,000 years. (Kali x 4)
V. Total 43,32,000 years

For Devas, in the next plane of existence, one year by human calculation is one day.On this basis they have 43, 32,000 human years as one yuga or Aeon. (By their account 12033 years approximately) .They live for 12033 years. At the end of the day Brahma effects Dissolution.

Next Level. Brahma, the Creator
30917370000000 one Life of hundred years).

*43, 32,000 human years is one day for Brahma. During the day, 14 Manus reign, under the orders of Brahma.

Each Manu reigns for 30, 67, 20,000 Human Years.

30, 67, 20,000 multiplied by 14, is *42 940 80 000 human years is Brahma’s one day..(The difference is due to Sandhya and Sandhyaamsa at the beginning and end of each yuga or aeon of human reckoning,which is not taken into account in human years calculations for Devas time frame) The universe is dissolved at the end of each day. Creation begins the next day. Brahma reigns for 100 Brahma years or 30917370000000 of human years (For the Creator, there shall be Dissolution at the end of each of his day. At Night there shall be withdrawal .Next Day starts.)

That is 0 .53 light years. This is for Universe of Matter of one fourteenth of the Universe of matter (14 Lokaas). Matter occupies only 0.1% of entire Universe. Balance of 99.9 % of Universe consists of Anti matter (named now as dark Energy).The Universe of Antimatter has corresponding Time scale .It contains anti matter. At the time of Final Dissolution, matter and antimatter collide and Entire Universe becomes dormant to become dynamic again. Matter and Antimatter forming the Universe is said to be contained in the SriChakra of Devi.The Gods mentioned so far are nominees assigned for a specific purpose and they undergo evolution and dissolution. The individual Gods are embodiment of Principles of Creation, Sustenance and Dissolution. They are Principles and are given Name and Form to help one to realize the Ultimate Reality.

This Cycle is for fourteen known levels of existence and all of them exist simultaneously. That means all activities happen simultaneously. That is to say, Ramayana happened some where and is also happening and will happen in future. (With reference to us).

We can see Time is Nonlinear and is Cyclic.

Time as we have seen is relative. Time in Indian philosophy is an Attribute of Reality, so is Space.

The Cyclic Theory Of Time overcomes the Non Linear Theory of Time in that there is no seeming contradiction in comprehending different time scales. to illustrate,; you take a snap of an action, say a cricket match with two different cameras, one with a higher speed and another with ultra slow speed. If a catch has been under dispute, the ultra slow motion camera will show the exact action, that is, whether the catch has been taken cleanly by the fielder. The same information will not be available in a High speed camera. One camera shows an action and another does not show it. Which is True in relation to Time? That is to say, one instrument recording the event for the same period does not show it, though it should have passed the time at which the event has taken place and the other shows the same event, which it has passed. Recordings provide us with two projections. If it is due to the quality of instrument, then can we not say each one of them is correct or both of them are wrong? So when we talk about Perception, Time factor is one of the coordinates we do not know much about, if we accept Linear Theory. If we accept Cyclic Theory, we can say the event has happened and also not happened. The difference is the relative positioning.
Again, an event is a form of energy. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed. If we accept the Theory of Linear Time, we have to say the event is no more or is destroyed. Under Cyclic Theory, this does not happen as everything happens, happened and will happen at the same time.

Recent researches on Human Brain have shown that the Brain anticipates action yet to take place and keeps the senses like eyes to receive the message and in fact receives (ref. TOI Aug 08) the message ahead of the event.

If we accept the Linear Theory of Time, we can not account for the time factor.

(This leaves an interesting question. Do we really see what we see?
Do we prove the existence of eyes because the scenes are seen or do we see things because we have eyes?)

We will be able to realize Self when we transcend Space and Time.
(To be continued)